Today's Make an Impact Monday organization is so so needed right now. Rays of Sunshine is an organization based in Texas that helps children all over get the care they need so that the children can focus more on academics.
This is their vision statement.
A world where all students’ physiological needs are met first. Rays of Sunshine understands the important role that physiological needs such as food, clothes, shoes, and proper supplies play in a student’s livelihood. If these vital needs are not met first then the student’s academic success rate diminishes dramatically.
As a former educator for over 15 years, I know how much this is needed. I have had students come in with rags for clothing, no coat, poor hygiene, and definitely a lack of school supplies. Many people shake their heads at the parents, but I will tell you that I have met many families who are doing their best to make ends meet and still struggle at the poverty line. As a teacher I want to help these children learn and succeed at school, but until their needs for food, clothing, shelter, and love are met, they cannot even begin to concentrate on or understand the material being taught. That's why Rays of Sunshine is so important. This organization is striving to meet the basic needs of students so that they can concentrate and be successful in school.
And think about this: two years ago teachers could maybe bring in extra snacks or materials for their students. I know I used to do that all of the time. I tried to meet as many needs as I could, but it wasn't always feasible. The Covid hit and students were sent home to learn. Now these children do not have in person contact with teachers who might be able to help them. And with the way things are going, they may not have in person contact with teachers for very long this year. It is so awesome that Rays of Sunshine will be able to go places and serve people that teachers and schools can't. Students being isolated from teachers and peers has taken an unfortunate toll in all areas of their life. Their is a spirit of defeat and loneliness. Rays of Sunshine help children feel seen, loved, and provided for by meeting students' needs. Please consider supporting this amazing organization as it strives to meet students' needs and help them achieve.
You can visit their website here.
You can also donate directly to Rays of Sunshine through Venmo and Paypal. Venmo- @RaysofSunshine
Thanks for your support!
Now go make an impact!
<3 Heather